SwapMyMood is a mobile app designed to assist people with traumatic brain injury in using evidence-based methods to support problem-solving and emotion regulation.

What the homescreen of Swap My Mood is.  There are two icons on the screen.  One says Swaps and the other saysEmotional Cycle.

The app is a user friendly, electronic version of tools that were previously made available only in paper format.   

The contents of this app are based on the Short-Term Executive Plus Intervention for Executive Dysfunction developed at the Brain Injury Research Center of Mount Sinai and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (grant no.1R49CE001171-01).

Users should receive training from a qualified cognitive specialist in SWAPS and Emotional Regulation tools before using the app.  Qualified cognitive specialists can contact the original authors to receive training information on these tools.  


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“SwapMyMood helps me be more aware and more in control of my symptoms and thought processes.”